
To inquire on editorial content, please contact Lyndon McLean.

To inquire on advertising opportunities, please contact Dayna Oulion.

For general inquiries, please contact the CLRA office.

For regular member updates, please visit our blog below.


Canadian Reclamation is an official publication of the Canadian Land Reclamation Association/Association canadienne de réhabilitation des sites dégradés. It has been published twice a year since 2001, with one issue featuring the association’s annual meeting.

Canadian Reclamation is widely distributed in Canada and internationally and is sent to all CLRA/ACRSD members. The magazine provides CLRA/ACRSD members and non-members alike with an excellent opportunity to publish articles on reclamation. It also provides the opportunity for advertisers to reach an audience whose focus is on reclamation.

Become a member of the CLRA today to subscribe to Canadian Reclamation!

*NEW* Canadian Reclamation Spring/Summer 2023 is now available!

We are now accepting articles and advertisements for the Fall/Winter 2023 Edition. Submit your content by September 15, 2023, for inclusion!